A complete list of "Rizzoli & Isles" season 2 spoilers can be found HERE.
September 19Absolutely Angie: A fan site with news, photos, and commentary related to "Rizzoli & Isles" star Angie Harmon.
3. Nicki: That's an official wrap for season 2 of Rizzoli & Isles folks!
2. Nicki: Kogi truck today for lunch compliments of paramount! Yum!!!
1. Nicki: And I'm off to my last day on the R&I!
September 18
1. Nicki: I guess I should go to bed... it's my last day at R&I tomorrow. We have a few pick up shots to do & I have to wrap everything up. Night!
September 16
20. Nicki: Season 2 of #RandI is officially wrapped! Got to visit my #Castle peeps tonight on our lot as well... I hope you wrap soon @Stana_Katic! ;)
19. Nicki: Setting up for the big stunt of the night that will take us to a wrap on season 2 here at #RandI!
18. Nicki: Taco truck on set compliments of @JanetTamaro... Yum!! Thank you!
17. Janet: Angie, Sasha, me, Bruce in Last hours of Season 2. Amazing actors. Great fans.
16. Nanci: It was crazy at that last minute when you are trying to load your crap out of the #makeuptrailer and everyone is running for #Sushi
15. Nanci: The set was incrediable today #RandI you are all going to love #episode15 Today we shot the beginning of the story. #IncredibleSetDesign
14. Nanci: There was Sushi on set today for our #lastdayofshootingLunch it was #amazing!
13. Nicki: While the regular cast is done, we are not... Shooting until late tonight again.
12. Sasha: Last day of the season... It was a great time!!
11. Nanci: Done and done!
10. Nicki: Last shot for the cast in season 2! Gonna miss them all!!! Love you guys! #RandI
9. Sasha: Last shot for us is about to happen for season 2 right now!! Sad to say goodbye, but so thankful for the cast and crew. They are AMAZING!!!
8. Nicki: Can't say much about the #RandI finale, but I will say I am enjoying being around lots of fireman today! Real & fake one's! #yesimsingle
7. Lee: Last day on the set of Rizzoli & Isles season 2! Gonna miss these guys so much! Cast and crew, you are epic and you are indeed legendary :-)
6. Nanci: Crumbs cupcakes on set today #OutOfControl
5. Nicki: Last day & I finally let @SashaAlexander1 have a doughnut! Our 1st AD Jen is even assisting. #getitgirl
4. Nicki: Until season 3, bye bye Jane & Maura's pads... #RandI :(
3. Angie: LAST DAY!!!!
2. Nicki: Getting ready for the last day of shooting on #RandI! Bittersweet feeling, excited to be done & be able to relax, but sad to say goodbye.
1. Nanci: today is my last day on #RandI thanks for following me on this 6 month journey of Pics & Vids and hysterical Fun! I had a blast! :-)
September 15
11. Nicki: Finally home for the night... Bed time and then back at it in a few hours. Tomorrow is the regular cast's last day of shooting, awww. :(
10. Nicki: 15 1/2 hrs & counting on my work day. That's twice the normal person's. I often wonder what that'd be like, I'd have so much free time! :)
9. Nanci: The stunt wig on the stunt man
8. Sasha: The #RandI finale is going to ROCK!! Shooting the final scene now.
7. Nicki: We are shooting the final scene of the finale right now... So far, so good!
6. Nanci: Back from lunch...we have a lot to do today
5. Nanci: We've moved to a nice shaded area for the next scene. Its more comfortable now.
4. Nanci: The stunt double and his wig look amazing!
3. Nanci: Angie, sasha, lee, bruce and jordon all under a shade tent with hair makeup and wardrobe huddled together
2. Nanci: Yesterday freezing today sweating on set.
1. Nanci: 2 more days! :-/
September 14
6. Nicki: One more day down, three to go on R&I...
5. Nanci: Tomorrow we have a stunt #staytuned
4. Nanci: I wrapped down the #makeuptrailer at lunch and moved them to my car. All I have left over is what I need until friday. #RandI
3. Nanci: Freezing on stage 4
2. Angie: & now for something completely different...
1. Nanci: I'm on my tippy toes for this pic ANGIE IS TALL. This is my last pic from set
September 13
5. Nicki: Very appropriate... :)
4. Nicki: Last scene of the day, let's do this!!!
3. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" filming at the closed Northridge Hospital in the Valley today. This seasons final Ep 215 'Burning down the House'
2. Sasha: Yes it is, I'm workin with the bday girl this very minute actually! RT @Awaked2007: Happy Birthday Jacqueline Bisset!
1. Nicki: Shooting a scene right now that makes me all emotional... @SashaAlexander1 is knocking it out of the park!
September 12
1. Nicki: And so it's begun... The final full week of shooting for season 2 of #RandI
September 10
2. Monica: Thank you Hamasaku, @Angie_Harmon & @Lorraine_Bracco...so good!
1. Monica: TV apple @Angie_Harmon doesn't fall far from TV tree @Lorraine_Bracco
September 9
17. Nanci: #PeterBogdanavich was amazingly funny on set today
16. Nanci: @angie_harmon looking from a monitor on set
15. Nanci: I took this pic of @angie_harmon the other day through a monitor on set .
14. Nanci: Shes a Legend #JacquelineBisset and I'm a train wreck at 2:00 AM on set
13. Nanci: @SashaAlexander1 was amazing on Set tonight. I love it when and Actor really gets down to it DOoooown DOoooown (#chervoice)
12. Sasha: Just finished work for the night. Shot a huge scene tonight with stunts! The stunt doubles rocked it!!! Have a great weekend!
11. Nicki: Setting up for the big stunt!
10. Nanci: I got my picture with #JacquelineBisset after all. yay!
9. Nicki: Onto the last scene of the night, a big stunt!!!
8. Monica: And that's a wrap on @Lorraine_Bracco for Season 2
7. Janet: Peter Bogdanovich: "Have we met before?" Angie Harmon: "No, I don't think so." PB: "We should have."
6. Janet: Quote of the day: "I need to be Houdini to pee." -- Peter Bogdanovich guest-starring in skinny jeans.
5. Liz: you guys... @JanetTamaro @Angie_Harmon @Lorraine_Bracco that scene will keep me smiling all wknd.
4. Liz: so fun hanging w/ u on set! that scene was hilarious. @haircolordiva
3. Angie: Our Poor janey!! Agent dean got 2 c all her scars!
2. Nanci: @angie_harmon with mark in the makeup trailer today
1. Nanci: #JoeFriday on set today #RizzoliandIsles
September 8
12. Nanci: tomorrow we have #JacquelinBisset and #BillyBurke on set again, Yay!
11. Nanci: just got home from work...it's almost 2AM
10. Angie: Yes... I'm still shooting. Really.
9. Nicki: Still working......
8. Nanci: Now we are moving to the back lot for the last scene of the day, yay!
7. Nicki: I've found a new career, don't be jealous!
6. Nanci: #BillyBurk on set today. I dont think he's had a haircut since #Twilight He is looking much better now with my #goldentouch
5. Nanci: #JaneRizzoli in a dress today. What!
4. Nanci: Hanging out in #Janes bedroom with @nickiraegeous and @Angie_Harmon gonna miss the onset friendships
3. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon shoe of the day. Can you guess the designer?
2. Angie: Good morning!!! LAST EPISODE of #RizzoliandIsles !! Clue: 1st 3 scenes r w/ agent dean... Wooooooooooo!!
1. Nanci: Morning, it's a late call today everyone and I'm off to work.
September 7
16. Nanci: I hope to post some pics of some of the action on Friday nights work
15. Nanci: Tomorrow is a light day on set
14. Nanci: You guys I said Mama Isles but I meant #MamaRizzoli can you believe I did that...Ok, please don't judge me, #myBad
13. Nanci: Wait there's more! We had #Hot Firemen on set today
12. Nanci: Guys, I have to tell you that I am totally in love with how @Lorraine_Bracco looked on camera today. She has #Amazing Hair #staytuned
11. Nanci: Ok, so, I have to spell out the scene about Mama Lorraine. I step into the trailer and there she is wearing the biggest smile :-) #mademyday
10. Nanci: OMG you guys Mama Isles was on Set today!!!
9. Nanci: yay, we made it to the Last Episode!
8. Nanci: #JacquelineBisset is so lovely and a #ClassAct working with her today was #Amazing
7. Kevin Sizemore: On my way to the @RizzoliIslesTNT set to shoot for a week! #SORRY...can't tell you what's going on......but its gonna be #GOOD!
6. Nicki: Just saw the lovely and talented @idinamenzel on the lot... I'm guessing she is back for some Glee action!
5. Monica: 2nd to last day for @Lorraine_Bracco on R & I Season 2
4. Nicki: That's a wrap on #RandI episode 14... Starting the FINALE right now! #prepareyourselfforgreatness
3. Nanci: Ok, we've moved from stage 1 to stage 4 . We have 2 scenes left to do and we're finished with this episode
2. Nicki: Hey Dr. Isles! I'm sitting in your chair, whatcha gonna do about it @SashaAlexander1?!
1. Angie: Daytime!!! I'm in the chair... Where r u???
September 6
2. Nanci: These last 8 days of shooting are wicked busy. I have 3 stunt wigs to prep and a full schedule
1. Angie: Daytime!!! Been through hair &makeup... Wanted to let y'all sleep in!!
September 5
1. Nanci: the best part of my job on #RandI is working with all of the guest stars. This past episode I worked with "Bubba" Mykelti Williamson
September 3
1. Nanci: We have stunts working next episode and I went shopping for yack hair today. The beauty Supply store is like waking up in Heaven!
September 2
3. Nanci: The #paramount lot
2. RCM Talent: Congrats to our Talent Kevin Sizemore on booking a great Guest Star role on "Rizzoli & Isles"....you Rock!
1. Nicki: I may or may not be making an appearance as Detective Schultz in episode 214... #badass
September 1
6. Nanci: I have to say one thing before going to bed tonight. I read the last #Episode of the season today on Set. #Amazing #Actionpacked #RandI
5. Angie: & that's a wrap on Angie... Yes, really.
4. Nanci: We are all good at work post earthquake #rizzoliandisles
3. Angie: It's just me, lee & the crew today so send him some love!!!
2. Angie: We just had a 4.1 earthquake... We just kept on shooting... Insuring my raise for season 3!! :). THAT'S dedication!
1. Nanci: Working with @Angie_Harmon on the same stages I did with @_PennBadgley 10 years ago on #DoOver.
August 31
3. b4thetrailer: Rizzoli & Isles is filming on their sound stages at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles on Thur
2. Nanci: My legs hurt from climbing so many Steps at the Wilsher Ebell Theater yesterday. #TotallyOutOfShape I am.
1. Nicki: I just wanna go home... Alas, we are only at lunch.
August 30
5. Nicki: Just finished work... Driving home and jamming to a little Michael Jackson! #rip #aintnobodylikehim
4. Matt L. Fahey: I play a guest star named josh in episode 14. I get in some biiiig trouble ill post a picture soon
3. Nicki: Just read the #RandI finale script for this season... Can't say anything about it other than it's AMAZING! You guys are going to love it! :)
2. Lisa LoCicero: Gettin ready to drop some F'bombs on Rizzoli & Isles!
1. Nicki: Dreading today & tomorrow's work. On location, lots going on & dancing kids. We'll make it happen though, cause that's how we roll!
August 29
8. Nicki: I took this pic of @Angie_Harmon when we were shooting tonight's EP on my phone! Pretty bad ass right?!?
7. Nanci: LOL, I just remembered she left her phone in her bag and doesn't have it with her, LMAO. She won't get these until late
6. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon is doing Press so I am sure a picture of her in that #amazing dress she wore today will surface.
5. Nanci: don't hate me...I didnt have my camera. But she looked stunning, trust me!
4. Nanci: Seriously guys @Angie_Harmon Rocked a Beautiful Caramel toned dress this afternoon. Designer? Did I mention she looked #Amzing in that dress
3. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon finished early today to do Press after changing out of #JaneRizzoli into an #Amazing #Dress with #Heels that made me melt!
2. Matt L. Fahey: Big day ahead. Filming all my good scenes today on Rizzoli & Isles! #goodlife
1. Nicki: It should be illegal to go to work before Starbucks is open... #itsacrime
August 26
4. Sasha: On the last scene of the night, the fantastic Bruce McGill and I in the crime lab!
3. Nicki: We've all lost it on set. It's honeybadger Friday and we all just don't give a ----! That's how it gets when it's close to the end.
2. Liz: It's been a long season #RizzoliandIsles. Cleaning out my desk and listening to #Iron&Wine
1. Nanci: going to work so you guys all have something #awesome to watch on Monday nights #RandI
August 25
7. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" will be filming at the high end Ebell Club in Hancock Park all day Tuesday. http://www.ebellla.com/
6. Nicki: New director = much slower pace... 5 scenes finally done, 2 to go.
5. Lisa LoCicero: Booked a nice guest star on Rizzoli & Isles... Good show? Don't know what the charactar is yet..
4. Nicki: Scene 4 down, 3 to go! EP 13 is complete, onto 14! :)
3. Nicki: Scene 3 done, 4 to go... :)
2. Nicki: 2 scenes down, 5 to go!!!
1. Nicki: Good morning! Shooting away at #rizzoliandisles this morning...Shooing scenes in the squad room and Dirty Robber today. Let's get 'er done!
August 24
5. Nanci: we start working on epi14 tomorrow and it's all going by too fast!
4. Nanci: OMG! it was a crazy busy day on set today.. Sorry I didn't tweet all day...Not like me at all!!
3. Angie: Late but shoe of the day... Rag & Bone!!
2. Nicki: Guess who?!?
1. Nicki: Flying trough today's work so far.. Should be on the last scene of today in an hour or so!
August 23
1. Nanci: it's still dark in LA but I have a 6:12 call time...Off to work. Ciao!
August 22
1. Nanci: my one day to catch up on Life...see you all later today! at the photo shoot with @Lee_T_Young
August 21
4. Nicki: Guess I should try sleep! Gotta be up early for the cable guy to come hook up my tv/internet/phone...Day off tomorrow for all the R&I peeps!
3. Nanci: #RizzoliandIsles reading the script for #Episode14 and only 1 more to go after that. #TimeFlies
2. Nanci: Photo Shoot tomorrow with @Lee_T_Young can't wait to go to Work!
1. Nanci: Check this video out -- Lunck Break Dance Video
August 20
1. Nanci: New Lunch Time Dance video coming out soon starring some of the crew on the set of #RizzoliandIsles. Hysterically funny watching the guys
August 19
4. Nanci: We took our lunchtime fun into the trailer for #AfterLunchTouchUps and having so much fun. Possible video by next week. #OffTheHook
3. Nicki: The quietest and calmest they have EVER been... Thank god for iPads!
2. Go For Location:
1. Nanci: hair & makeup working on actors and jaming out to Lynyrd Skynyrd in the #MakeupTrailer #RizzoliandIsles
August 18
8. Nicki: Jane and Geek's high school reunion...
7. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" @ Marshall High in Los Feliz-the Hi School from "The Wonder Years" & "Grease" (along with Venice Hi) today-tomorrow.
6. Nanci: "You Give Love A Bad Name" playing in the makeup trailer ! Cranking out the 6 cast members playing in the next scene
5. Nicki: Don't @Angie_Harmon and @SashaAlexander1 know how to rock some tennis wear?! Ha ha! #workitgirls
4. Nicki: Shooting at a highschool the next two days and I have forgotten how smelly highschool boys can be after football practice. #feelingvomitty
3. Sasha: Our director Rod and I by his hot rod!!! LOVE!
2. Nanci: Morning everyone! going back to high school this episode...#staytuned you know what fun we can get into on the set of #RizzoliandIsles
1. Nanci: I just posted 4 videos on the SFX makeup that Mark brings to the table for #RizzoliandIsles Check them out on www.youtube.com/haircolordiva.
August 17
5. Nanci: We are on stage 1 shooting a scene where we were dancing last week LOL
4. Nanci: After lunch touch ups in the #makeuptrailer Donna Summer "bad girls" is the tune. Beep, beep!
3. Nanci: I am shootng a behind the scenes #SFX makeup vid so you all have an idea of the processs. #Staytuned #rizzoliandisles
2. Chris Redman: Paramount studios backlot. #rizzoliandisles
1. Nicki: Our electrician Tom was the first ever in history to survive and successfully climb Mt. Ladder on Stage 4 this morning!
August 16
5. Nanci: in This episode Angie wears the cutest #LBD OMG! #leggs4days you guys are in for a treat!
4. Nicki: Quite a day today... So busy at work, no time to tweet! A month from today we will be done shooting season 2 of #rizzoliandisles, so fast!
3. Nanci: I just shot some footage with the fab #markbautista doing a special effects makeup for this episode it's off the hook #rizzoliandisles
2. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" filming at a private residence in Hancock Park today. Episode 2.13
1. Nanci: So nice to be working with @nelsongrande #EastboundandDown on my new show #RizzoliandIsles
August 15
4. Liz: there is a writer's room fire going on. crack sizzle pop. #rizzoliandisles writers are smoking.
3. Nanci: I was in the trailer all morn while they shot 1 scene and I didnt come to set until after lunch. Gett'n peeps ready and doing haircuts
2. Nanci: R u guys ready for another #dancevideo from our #makeuptrailer? The video will come out tonight hopefully by the end of tonights episode Pacific Time. Its a BeeGee's sound track to a film.
1. Nicki: Working away, as usual... Fun working next to "American Horror Story" looks like an interesting show & I like Connie Britton & Jessica Lang.
August 14
1. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" filming at a home in Hancock Park Tuesday the 16th.
August 13
3. Elizabeth: Pic of @Lee_T_Young when I met him on the set of #rizzoliandisles - yay for a fellow Trojan! :)
2. Elizabeth: Pic of @SashaAlexander1 when I met her on the set of #rizzoliandisles - loved her on NCIS and now R&I! (FIGHT ON!) ;)
1. Elizabeth: Pic of @Angie_Harmon when I met her on the set of #rizzoliandisles! Love her energy! She's just inspiring. :)
August 12
5. Nanci: Sadly, We are down to the last 3 episodes out of 15. We should be done by Sept 16. #TimeFlies
4. Nicki: That's a wrap, woohoo! Earliest Friday EVER in history of R&I!
3. Nicki: Sushi from the director on set tonight, WORD!
2. Nicki: Let's keep flying through today and get 'er done! #readyfortheweekend
1. Nanci: thanks to all my followers who watched the video I post on Aug 10. I had over 10,000 views in less than 24hrs and a call from TNT saying they loved the Video, Youtube rated: top fav,most viewd,top rated ...What! I can't wait to get to work today :)
August 11
1. Sasha: Everyone meet "Cactoli Rizzoli," the newest member of the writing staff! :)
August 10
6. Nanci: Are You guys all ready for the new video fo Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander and the crew of Rizzoli and Isles?
5. Liz: in the writer's room w/ det. grant @usmc916 and he literally said "let me put on my Hollywood hat." #sellout :)
3. Nanci: Staytuned for my posting of the @Angie_Harmon birthday dance and music video with @sashaalexander1 on set #rizzoliandisles. Happy birthday!
2. Sasha: @Angie_Harmon We just did a birthday parade dance for angie to set! So fun! Happy Bday Ang!!
1. Nicki: It's @Angie_Harmon's bday & we just made the best entrance for rehearsal EVER! A conga line with music from hair/Mu thru the lot onto set!
August 9
6. Nicki: Loving this director, we have been having shorter day this episode...Wrapped at 6:30 tonight!
5. Berman/Sacks Talent Agency: SHOUT OUT to BSTA Gavin Perry on set today for Rizzoli & Isles.
4. Elizabeth: Just met Angie Harmon, Sasha Alexander, & Lee Thompsan Young on the set of #rizzoliandisles at Hawthorne & Lomita. Very cool. :)
3. Nicki: Lots of fan's stopping by the set today to say hi... It's cool that they are coming out to support the show! #rizzoliandisles
2. Angie: Shoe of the day... might be a repeat?
1. Nicki: I hate going to work when it's still dark out, there needs to be a law against it! :(
August 8
5. Janet: Back when we had time to eat chocolate-covered strawberries...Wait, that's the dessert I'd be...
4. Go for Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" shooting in Torrance Tuesday...Ep 2-12
3. Angie: I call my kevlar vest "the Janer"!!!!
2. Nicki: How long before @Angie_Harmon kicks this guy's butt?! Isn't she badass in her bulletproof vest? ;)
1. Nanci: Our set today
August 5
6. Nicki: And now a rowdy zebra for desert!
5. Nicki: Dude... We have an ice cream truck and a coffee truck on set to celebrate season 3! Amazing!!!
4. Sasha: Celebrating another season!
3. Nanci: Angie's bike
2. Nanci: The fabulous and amazing @angie_harmon on her set bike #paramount back lot
1. Nicki: Shooting on the backlot all day today... It's gonna be a hot one! Lot's to do.
August 4
8. Nanci: @angie_harmon and @CEgglesfield #owling on set
7. Sharon: Tragic day on set today. Andrea broke the lid to her gigananormus cup. Now its 16 oz.ers with the rest us. Tragic.
6. Lee: Started episode 12 today... More Frost history comes to light!!! I'm learning new things about his past, very cool stuff, and fun to play. Plus I shoot somebody this episode :)
5. Colin: Owling with @Angie_Harmon!
4. Liz: As we break these stories we make sure to gets this stamp of approval.
3. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon showing her fellow actors how to tweet #rizzoliandisles
2. Colin Egglesfield: Shooting #RizzoilandIsles today with the two hottest women on TV @Angie_Harmon and @SashaAlexander1. My 1st episode airs this Monday night!
1. Nicki: Working away at #rizzoliandisles today! Let's get 'er done!!!
August 3
6. Nicki: So you know how I was excited we might get off early, yeah... That's not happening. Just wrapped now.
5. Nicki: We might get done kind of early for us tonight, so excited!!
4. Nicki: Shopping at lunch with @Angie_Harmon... We will try not to get into too much trouble! ;)
3. Sasha: Starting EP 12 today! RT @AngieHarmonFan: What epi are you shooting this week?
2. Sasha: Look who's back!!!
1. Nanci: Bass the turtle is on set today
August 2
6. Nanci: Korsak getting his drink on in the #dirtyrobber
5. Sasha: @nickiraegeous @Angie_Harmon I'm gonna snack on both of you. Seriously. Why is taking sooo long?
4. Nicki: And so is @Angie_Harmon, she's about to snack on someone like a honeybadger!
3. Nicki: It's all going downhill from here people... Cause I'm feeling a little like a honeybadger.
2. Liz: light on the tweets. #workingonRizzoliandIsles
1. Roselyn Sanchez: Craft service at rizzoli&isles is amazing! They just made me a chicken panini with grilled onions that was yummy! Love it here!
August 1
1. Nicki: Bored today on set... Same actors in the same set all day, not much to do.
July 29
17. Brian Houtz: Had the best day on the set of Rizzoli & Isles. So much fun and love from that crew and cast!
16. Cassy Stambach: Back home after a long day at work shooting rizzoli&isles. Great cast and crew. Everybody is wonderful!! Happy...
15. Sasha: Working late with my other LLBFF @Lorraine_Bracco! We are tired!!
14. Liz: Hey, thanks for all the #FF's. Haven't been able to tweet cuz we were working on 214.
13. Liz: Met Bill O'Reilly on the set tonight. Yup he's guest starring. Hmm... What could he possibly be playing? @rizzoliislestnt
12. Nanci: Need I say more?
11. Nanci: @Lorraine_Bracco and @sashaalexander1 doing a scene with Bill O'Reilly and Lorraine keeps laughing at Sasha and we're all laughing w/her
10. Nanci: Doing after lunch touch ups in the makeup trailer with @Lorraine_Bracco and @sashaalexander1
9. Nicki: Check out the fake books in this scene...It's the dessert murder club series! ;)
8. Nicki: Bill O'Reilly is on the show today. I'm personally not a fan his views, but he seems like a nice enough guy.
7. Sasha: Bill O'Reilly is filming with us today...It's always fun to have have guest stars come in and play themselves!
6. Chris: Dream come true: getting roughed up by @Angie_Harmon on the set of #Rizzoli&Isles. Thanks for a great interview, Ang...
5. Nanci: Bill doing an interview on set at #RizzoliandIsles
4. Chris: With the extremely charming Sasha Alexander of #Rizzoli&Isles
3. Nanci: Bill O'Reilly on set today. I just finished his hair cut on #RizzoliandIsles
2. Chris Jacobs: On my way to the Paramount Lot to interview the cast of #Rizzoli&Isles. Kinda hoping @Angie_Harmon will frisk me. ;-)
1. Angie: LOVE doing my scene w/ #BillO'Rielly... Is hysterical!!! Love a man w/ a great sense of humor!!!
July 28
3. Angie: Ah, the glamour of showbiz!
2. Nanci: DC stages in LA are the hot smelly armpits of the industry
1. Aaron T. Jennings: Shooting a guest star on Rizzoli and Isles this week.
July 27
7. Nanci: Yesterday's shoe of the day.
6. Nicki: Isn't hollyweird so glamourous?!? My view at work right now.
5. Nicki: It is so hot inside the warehouse/stage we are shooting in today! Outside is even cooler and that's saying' a lot!!!
4. Nanci: @Lee_T_Young taking 5 between takes on set
3. Angie: @Roselyn_Sanchez dies laughing b/c I look like #RobinWilliams when I dance 4 her... LOVE HER!!!
2. Roselyn: And I love my @Angie_Harmon!!! sweet, funny, smart, talented and stunning! having a great time working with her. Feel blessed!
1. Angie: Seriously, I LOVE my Latina Roselyn Sanchez!! She's a fab actress & laughs @ my salsa dancing!!!
July 26
29. And a video from GiveMeMyRemoteTV!
28. Liz: working in room all day. helping on 214. gonna be a good one. like i had to tell you guys that?? :)
27. Sasha: TCA's are done, just finished work & now all that's left is @jimmykimmel! So excited to go on his show tonight, you all better watch on ABC!
26. Lee: Thanks to everybody who watched last night! Loved that episode, #BruceMcgill and I had a great time with our scenes.
25. Candace Havens: Rizzoli & Isles pics
24. Mary: Jane rizzoli's apartment
23. Rob: The famous Jett Jackson!
22. Rob Moynihan: On the Rizzoli & Isles set. Not sure how much how much I trust this division
21. Susan Young: Fun on the rizzoli & isles set w/ Angie Harmon (video HERE)
20. Mary McNamara: Angie harmon at her desk on. the set
19. TVGuideHanh: Critic: "You had sex w/a man this season" Harmon: "No I didn't! You weren't listening!"
18. TVGuideHanh: Angie Harmon on the lesbian attention to the show: "I think it's fantastic ... Are they? Aren't they?"
17. Jim: Angie Harmon at Jane's desk on set of #RizzoliandIsles. I never knew she was funny until today!
16. Deena: Onset @ Rizzoli & Isles w Angie H: "if you're looking for your own show come play my love interest here"
15. Deena: @ Rizzoli & Isles precinct
14. Amber Ray: #TCA set visit day. Props to the Boston-set Rizzoli & Isles, which has a banner that includes the Bruins 2011 Cup win hanging up in the bar
13: Deena: Getting serious at the bar
12. Marisa Roffman: On the set of #RizzoliandIsles!
11. Deena: I'm ready for my autopsy
10. Deena Barnert:
9. Jim: More #RizzoliandIsles: Sasha Alexander & Lorraine Bracco share a laugh.
8. Danielle Turchiano: Lorraine Bracco made us cookies! TNT wins!
7. Jim Colucci: Sasha Alexander & Lorraine Bracco on the set of #RizzoliandIsles. Lorraine baked us oatmeal raisin cookies. Delish!
6. Lorraine: I brought cookies for the critics! @SashaAlexander1 better leave some for the last group!
5. Sasha: Chatting with the critics this morning on set. #TCAs
4. Monica: @Lorraine_Bracco & @SashaAlexander1 at TCA set visit--Maura's house.
3. TVGuideHanh: On the set of Rizzoli & Isles. Haven't spotted any perps
2. Roselyn Sanchez: On my way to Paramount for the 2nd day of shooting Rizzoli & Isles. Cool scene today! Have a wonderful day mi gente...
1. Sasha: Big day today! TCA's on set this morning, then work and then I'm on @jimmykimmel tonight, so be sure to tune in!!!
July 25
3. Roselyn Sanchez: Back home after a long day at work shooting rizzoli&isles. Great cast and crew. Everybody is wonderful!! Happy...
2. OLV: there are R&I signs & film crew at the Housing Projects (William Mead) on Main St. in L.A. think it might be Rizzoli & Isles
1. Angie: Shoe for the day...
July 24
1. Nanci: On set #RizzoliandIsles a quick continuity pic with Nicki and Lorraine
July 22
4. Nicki: Another late night at R&I, let's do this..
3. Roselyn Sanchez: Back to work monday for a guest star on Rizolli&Isles for TNT! Super excited. Like the show a lot! Playing a bad ass ADA...
2. Dani's Agency: Cristen Irene booked TNT TV series "Rizzoli & Isles" Season 2, episode 3 for the role Brenda Martin and premieres Monday, July 25, at 10/9c
1. Erik Aude: Watch Rizzoli and Isles on TNT Monday night at 10pm. I'm playing the killer they hunt down.
July 21
13. Nanci: "the 3 faces of #SuperWoman @angie_harmon #HeadPunch, #staytuned Ep210
12. Nicki: Still shooting away at work... Last scene at least!
11. Sasha: Shut it @nickiraegeous, this is my view of you!!! :)
10. Nicki: This is my view of @SashaAlexander1 everyday... Attached to her iPad or cell phone at all times! :)
9. Janet: Today's quote:Lorraine Bracco: "He's OCD? I thought he was just unsanitary."Me "We can only explore one tic at a time."
8. Nani: We're having so much fun on set!!!! Lots of ass kickin!! Get it Rizzoli!!
7. Liz: Off to casting for eppy 211 #rizzoliandisles @RizzoliIslesTNT
6. Angie: Omg, it is HOTTER than YOUNG LOVE out here!!!
5. Nicki: Shooting a HUGE scene today as far as R&I is concerned... So intense!
4. Sharon: every actor is assigned a number. That wAy u can look at a call sheet and see who is in that scene.
3. Sharon: Are my eyes playing tricks me? Or does the call sheet really say 9 pgs. to shoot today?! Tears falling
2. Sharon: A. Angie's next roll - the Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland B. Jane chilling in her happy place
1. Sharon: A. An actor prepares B. It's 1000 degrees and Rizzoli keeps chill in the air conditioning tube
July 20
11. Nicki: Ended up dropping a couple scenes from today's work and adding them to tomorrow, so home from work and going to bed to do it all over again!
10. Janet: Favorite ad lib of the day: "Where are going taser me?" "Wherever you like."
9. Nicki: Just now finished the first scene of the day and we've been here since 8am... So yeah....
8. Nicki: Here is the finished product @SashaAlexander1...
7. Nanci: Meet the Angie & Sasha stand-in's Laura and Holly
6. Nicki: She LOVED it and laughed! Then yelled who did this and immediately smacked Joe and chased me down.... She clearly knows us too well.
5. Nicki: It just keeps getting better... :)
4. Nicki: Joe and I thought we would decorate @SashaAlexander1's cup holder... Shh, she doesn't know who did it! ;)
3. Nanci: Correct, they belong to sasha
2. Nanci: Guess who's shoes these are...
1. Nanci: So nice to be back on stage again.
July 19
11. Liz: Rizzoli & Isles writers mull it over...
10. Nanci: guess who on set #RizzoliandIsles prepping the stunt car
9. Nanci: sort of a cool shot of a car being pulled out of a lake. #MyViewToday on set
8. Nanci: #SuperWoman #angie_harmon on set at Pine Lake
7. Nanci: @angie_harmon on set modeling in front of a blowing fan with a Kevin as the male model #RizzoliandIsles at the Prison Location Gee, what fun that was :/
6. Sasha: Having a little NCIS reunion today, they are shooting next to us! :)
5. Nicki: 107 degrees... No big deal.
4. Nanci: lifting, lifting. On location at Pine Lake
3. Nicki: I'm pretty sure I've already lost about 20 lbs of sweat and gained about 10 back in dirt and dust... Yuck!
2. Nicki: Considered going naked to work, it's going to be 100 degrees there & we are outside all day! Then I realized that sunburn wouldn't be fun...
1. Nanci: The prison location had no reception yesterday...errrr!
July 18
6. Angie: I had tech difficulties today! Shooting Rizzoli&Isles @ a prison is not twitter friendly!
5. Nicki: Just now getting home from work... Nothing like a 16 1/2 hour monday on location to start off your week. So tired!
4. Nicki: Still at work... Been here since 6am, so yeah...
3. Nicki: Bridesmaids, #rizzoliandisles style!! :)
2. Nicki: We just re-created the bridesmaids poster here at the jail, it's awesome! We are having too much fun at this place!
1. Nicki: I swore I'd never come back to this place...
July 15
7. Nicki: Getting to the punchy part of the evening... @SashaAlexander1 and I just had a pitiful dance breakdown in her trailer!
6. Nicki: .@Angie_Harmon should not be allowed more than one "rowdy zebra" cause the girl hasn't stopped talking or stopped moving in 20 minutes! :)
5. Nicki: Here's your proof of @SashaAlexander1 and her threats... I have a feeling this is just the beginning!
4. Nanci: @angie_harmon shoe of the day
3. Nanci: Looking over the camera onto the shot
2. Nanci: Last looks on set
1. Nicki: Back at the grind...
July 14
6. Angie: Can you find the horn?
5. Nicki: The cups just keep getting bigger!!! It's like a triple Venti!!! Andrea's going to have a heart attack!
4. Nicki: Shhh...be very very quiet... @SashaAlexander1's sleeping.
3. Sasha: Check out these Jimmy Choo's! HOT!!! #gomaura #rizzoliandisles
2. Liz: 211 #rizzoliandisles is gonna be great.
1. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk's shirt of the day... Kinky!
July 13
10. Nicki: Don't mess with the #rizzoliandisles PA's, we will cut a bitch! Right @Angie_Harmon an @SashaAlexander1??
9. Nicki: Still at work.... Gotta represent!!
8. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk's shirt of the day! This is from his 1994 New Years collection!
7. Lorraine: Back to work!! #rizzoliandisles
6. Angie: & now for something completely different...
5. Sasha: Good morning, back from hiatus and sitting in hair & m/u at #rizzoliandisles!
4. Nicki: I just beat up Jane Rizzoli!
3. Angie: Oh no!!! Our janey has an "owie"!!
2. Janet: Love my show.Love my job.Just finished script #11.
1. Nicki: This whole 6:30am call time isn't working for me today but we're back...
July 12
1. Lee: Hiatus is over! Sitting here learning lines for tomorrow. Of course, now I'm inspired after the premiere. Thanks to all who watched!
~One-week hiatus while R&I is on a well-deserved filming break!~
July 5
5. Nicki: Woohoo, off for a week hiatus from R&I!!! Excited for a little break, but my other job still beckons, so I am not completely free! ;)
4. Nanci: Today I styled sasha alexander's hair on set because her stylist left to go back east for an early hiatus and all. Easy hair to style.
3. Nicki: Still working... So close to vacation, yet sooo far away!
2. Nanci: It is way hot on set today #melting
1. Nicki: Bedtime...Back to work tomorrow, but just for one day and then we get a week off! Yay!!!
July 1
14. Nicki: Just finally wrapped...3 day weekend, then one day back and then a week off! So excited!!
13. Angie: @JaneRizzoli just fired 3 into the front glass door of a corporation!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!
12. Sasha: Today's shirt of the day is brought to you by our DGA Trainee Jason, because the honey badger don't care!!
11. Angie: Why yes, I AM still shooting! HAPPY SATURDAY!!
10. Nanci: Listening to #MichaelJackson in the #makeuptrailer hoping to get a line dance going. where is @nickiraegeous
9. Nanci: Yeah that's @nickiraegeous with half her lip lined like a chola
8. Nanci: Chola chicks put the fear in @Angie_Harmon on set
7. Nanci: Because That's how we roll
6. Nicki: It's flippin' hot as heck out here!!! Whew!
5. Angie: Ok kids... I'm so cooked my hands r shaking. I love y'all & miss you tons.
4. Angie: The AMAYYYYYZING shoe of the day....
3. Glen Powell: Headed to Paramount to start working on Rizzoli & Isles...I get my first (and hopefully last) mugshot taken today...cause I'm a bad, bad man
2. Nicki: Alright, off to work for another long/late friday!
1. Liz: 7/11 countdown is on! @RizzoliIslesTNT
June 30
13. Angie: Ok... I just made our dp & our director AND bruce laug so hard they were crying! I AM REJUVINATED!! & can shoot 3 more scenes!
12. Angie: And now for something completely different...
11. Nanci: Yay! Veggies and fruit on set
10. Janet: ...48th & 7th!
9. Janet: This is in JFK airport. We are everywhere...
8. Nanci: cheese platter on set...barf!
7. Nanci: I think this look is very #HuckelberryFinn #MikeAlba
6. Nanci: Wing tipped boots on #MikeAlba our #cameraman #rizzoliandisles
5. Nanci: Today is an awesome chill day for me on set #rizzoliandisles and @Angie_Harmon is buying the vanities a Thai lunch. Lemongrass soup for me
4. Nanci: Sexy @Angie_Harmon legs draped in #YSL
3. Lee: I was off for two days, now back to set... You know you're blessed when you actually miss your coworkers :)
2. Nanci: back on Stage today. I love the stage and hate going on location. I had to drive in reverse down a bridge ramp because of a wrong turn.
1. Nanci: today I am cutting Angie Harmon's hair unless of course she forgets that she asked me to cut it.
June 29
13. Nicki: Sunset...
12. Nanci: My view today
11. Angie: And now for somthing completely different....
10. Nicki: Lunch time... relaxing on a bench on location reading a script. Now if the rest of my day could be like this...
9. Anna Bartsch: Working on Rizzoli and Isles. its freaking hot!!!!
8. Angie: And... I may have broken my toe but I can still rock a GREAT SHOE!!
7. Angie: I'm trying to tweet but we're in a very wind, random locay... trying to hurry thru this day!!
6. Nanci: @nickiraegeous all up in it with first team #rizzoliandisles
5. Caryn Mower: Just anther day at the wet office! @rizzoli&isles
4. Max Schneider: Extra work on rizzoli and isles. Hanging out at the docks.
3. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" is filming on the docks at the Port of Los Angeles today...
2. Angie: And... life REALLY DOES imitate life!! I broke my big toe on Sunday!!!
1. Nicki: My view at work today...
June 28
8. Nanci: @nickiraegeous closing the front door to Maura Isles house
7. Sasha: Just surprised @kimmy_abbott! She thought she was going on a tour of Paramount & ended up hanging out with me on set! Great to meet you!!
6. Nanci: We are in the 3 scene of the day...it's going to be a long night
5. Colin: I can see why my mom has a crush on Andy Garcia. He's a stud and was great to work with him.
4. Lorraine: Headed to work on Episode 9 & #RizzoliAndIsles Season 1 DVD out today...it's a great day!
3. Nanci: On set with #ColinEgglesfield #rizzoliandisles
2. Janet: Jane's screwed up but sexy youngest brother, Tommy, (Colin Egglesfield) is with us today.
1. Nicki: Starting off in autopsy this morning, I love mixing my coffee with a little murder!
June 27
5. Lee: We had a great scene today introducing the murder in episode 209. It was nearly 4 pages long and we flew right through it!!
4. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk's shirt of the day! $5 flee market purchase about 15 yrs ago! Upside down elvis's!!
3. Nanci: #rizzoliandisles Cool tshirts sent to us by a fan. thank you who ever you are.
2. Nanci: Back on set ready for the week ahead.
1. Angie: Already thru hair & mu... off to interrogate!! ;)
June 26
1. Janet: The beauty of making Bass up means I control his destiny...His fans have spoken. Bass returns.#rizzoliandtnt
June 25
7. Nikki: Just got home from the party, good times! We dance our butts off! I started out drinking the "isles" and then moved onto the "Rizzoli!"
6. Liz: hello hello #rizzoliandisles lauch. love my peeps. pics 2 flw.
5. Sasha: I hope everyone's weekend is going great! Rizzoli & Isles premiere party tonight for the cast and crew... I'm ready to get my groove on!
4. Nanci: last night was epic on set, @Angie_Harmon and #nanivelez singing @cher as Jack doing #Cher
3. Janet: City of Boston "?": I grew up outside of Boston in Hingham. Research trips with Det.Russ.Experts on call.#RizzoliandIslestnt
2. Janet: Det. Russ Grant helped me Season 2 + 4 writers : 2 returns: Joel Fields & David Gould. 2 new: Dee Johnson & Liz Benjamin#rizzoliandislestnt
1. Janet: Bass is expensive. I'd have him in every episode if his quote wasn't so high...Jo Friday is even more. :-( #rizzoliandislestnt
June 24
8. Nicki: What, it is 5am you say and I am still up? I just got home from work... Long day today and I'm ready for bed! Sleeping in today!
7. Sasha: Its late, I'm still working with the hilarious Ed Begley, Jr...and I need a redbull!
6. Liz: Going home. #latenightworking
5. Nanci: Oh but yes! @Angie_Harmon #shoeoftheday on #rizzoliandisles gotta have'em
4. Nanci: She needs to really stop smoking
3. Janet: Season 1 DVDs are out! Wonder who from Season 1 will return for Season 2? How about our favorite killer... #RizzoliandIslesTNT
2. Sasha: Just finished working with the hilarious @gwenmcgee in a very funny scene... I couldn't keep a straight face!!!
1. Angie: The AMAYYYYYYYZING shoe of the day...
June 23
14. Nicki: Still shoooooottttiiinnngggg.... Soooooooo tired.
13. Nanci: This guy is sort of a twisted mess. A real stiff .
12. Nicki: It's gonna be a late one tonight people! Whew...
11. Janet: Yup. Had to change it to "Charles" Hoyt. Hope the lawyers don't follow Twitter...;-) #RizzoliandIslesTNT
10. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk's shirt of the day! Look at that...back! ;)
9. Janet: Changed Jane's brother Mike's name to "Tommy" because lawyers wouldn't clear "Mike."
8. Janet: Maura has a new house for Season 2 because Season 1's house was a location. And Maura needs a guesthouse for...?Hmm...
7. Liz: 1 more scene and act 2 is history.
6. Angie: Ok... who's been in my trailer?!?
5. Angie: Episode 8 is FINISHED!! On 2 ep 9 of #RizzoliandIsles!!
4. Nanci: The stunt wig works today
3. Janet: Did I mention that Maura has a new house? :-) #RizzoliandIslesTNT
2. Sasha: Finishing 8 and starting 9! #rizzoliandisles RT @steph_b1985: which episode are you guys working on today?
1. Sasha: Yes. #rizzoliandisles RT @230894: in the new season are we going to find out more about Dr Isles past? :)
June 22
12. Nicki: Just now wrapped... Cocktail, next.
11. Nicki: I'm not sure how to react to the fact that @SashaAlexander1 just told me that the scene we are shooting reminds her of our relationship...
10. Janet: I've been crazed getting 15 episodes conceived and written. So happy to hear y'all can't wait. Finished writing #10 today.
9. Janet: R&I fans: I'm a lame tweeter. Life is consumed writing + running this show. Apologies for not replying to tweets. I will.
8. Janet: Season 2 is better than Season 1...T-minus 19 days to launch. @RizzoliIslesTNT
7. Liz: not the best pic. this is what a deadline looks like. thanks Dee and #Twangels for the shirt!
6. Nanci: Guess who? Taking 5 between setups #rizzoliandisles
5. Angie: The great special effect guru mark bautista giving jane an ingrown toenail... EW!!!
4. Sasha: Today's shirt of the day is brought to you by @nickiraegeous & I! Thank you Denise!!! #rizzoliandisles
3. Liz: ate lunch and watched dailies. thank god no autopsy scenes. @RizzoliIslesTNT
2. Janet: Got up early, went to yoga, went to work and killed somebody...but only on the page...@RizzoliIslesTNT
1. Nanci: My favorite @sashaalexander1 summer sandal in Red by #PourLaVictoire #shoeoftheday #rizzoliandisles
June 21
3. Angie: #andnowforsomethingtotallydifferent
2. Vernon: Chai tea. Egg white and spinach breakfast sandwich. Chillin on the set of Rizzoli & Isles. My Tuesday.
1. Nanci: A summer wedge in red @Angie_Harmon on #rizzoliandisles #makeuptrailer
June 20
6. Arden: Explosive devices used for film/tv, it creates special effects of bullet impacts @THE_KEVIN_KIM "@arden_cho what in the world is a squib?"
5. Arden: Acting is not easy :( I got shot in the face w/ a squib which burnt/cut it & I can't hear in my left ear from a squib exploding. sigh... SAD
4. Angie: #andnowforsomethingcompletelydifferent...
3. Nicki: What's the deal with the creepy man/chicken statue on the roof by our location??
2. Arden: I love afternoon call times :] Time to go to work~ Shooting Rizzoli & Isles today!
1. Angie: Get a load a THESE!!!!
June 19
1. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" will be filming several locations in Highland Park tomorrow portraying streets/hospital/saloon/auto shop 'my worst enemy'
June 17
11. Nanci: #rizzoliandisles camera men going in for the last scene of the day.
10. Nanci: Reading episode 9 on set on boston street or something I dunno, a dead guy on the street. #staytuned #rizzoliandisles
9. Angie: STILL shooting w/ the great RONDO!!! Lol!!!.
8. Angie: & now for something completely different...
7. Nani: Love what I do and the results of my hard work! Wanna know my secrets to "the look" of Jane Rizzoli? Stay tuned...
5. Angie: Shoes 4 the day... dark green, python @Lanvin! HEAVEN!
4. Angie: @JaneRizzoli takes a nap...
3. Nicki: #BruceMcGill and me on set taking a break between takes for a photo #rizzoliandisles
2. Nanci: This is who schuffles the actors through the #makeuptrailer and onto set #KevinBerg our good friend. Aint he cute?
1. Nanci: Me #hair and Tony #wardrob at #rizzoliandisles
June 16
15. Lee: Shooting #rizzoliandisles in the same location we shot the blue hand club ep 106 of #flashforward... Good memories :-)
14. Nicki: Just another day on set with @Angie_Harmon...@ItsMeNaniV & mark doing touch ups as beth the medic holds ice on her back!
13. Nicki: And the "kill room!"
12. Nicki: And this as well...
11. Nicki: This location we are shooting is funky lots of different random rooms... For instance.
10. Nanci: I have to say that @Angie_Harmon had the perfect southern accent while role playing as a hairstylist and she had the hair lingo down.
9. Nanci: Sometimes we change roles today @Angie_Harmon is the hairstylist and #nanivelez
8. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon as the hairstylist with Kevin our AD in the #makeuptrailer
7. Nicki: Just got the coolest photo of @Angie_Harmon in action on set! Not sure I can tweet it though until the EP airs...
6. Nanci: Having a little cocktail in this cute bar
5. Nanci: Meet our transpo guys #rizzoliandisles hard at work (Honestly they do a lot for us).
4. Nicki: There is a bar with live music in the parking lot of where we are shooting... Needless to say, there shall be cocktails later!
3. Nicki: Why so muggy today LA?? I feel like I'm back in Wisconsin! Working in a warehouse today by docks and bridges.
2. Arden Cho: Just finished my fitting at Paramount for Rizzoli & Isles! :) Can't wait to shoot next week!
1. Nicki: Off to work...we are on location today. Livin' the dream.
June 15
15. Nicki: Still shooting away here... It's gonna be a late one!
14. Angie: & THIS is the back of my sexy maternity dress!!!
13. Nicki: Currently sitting next to @SashaAlexander1 & she just started singing Britney Spears 'one more time.' I'm not sure what's going on there...
12. Nicki: Hilarious blooper just happened on set involving @Angie_Harmon @SashaAlexander1 and some rats... That should make the reel for season 2!
11. HRi Talent: Patrick Wenk-Wolff booked another episode of Rizzoli & Isles!!! Congrats!
(Editorial note: Patrick appeared in episode 1 of season 1)
10. Nicki: Needless to say @ItsMeNaniV, he was a bit shocked...
9. Angie: That awkward moment when you realize you're not alone on set....
8. Nanci: Yea, thats #nanivelez goofing around with #markbaptista on set #rizzoliandisles between takes on set.
7. Nanci: Meet #markbaptista personal makeup artist to #angieharmon, thats cream cheese not milk
6. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon 's personal hair and makeup artists eating bagles and cream cheese, LOL
5. Liz: Bam. 211 outline almost done.
4. Nanci: Screening episode 2 #rizzoliandisles at lunch in the dirty robber. We are at the hump of our 15 episodes. Time flies when we have fun!!!
3. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk is looking very "georgia o'keeffe" today in his shirt of the day!
2. Nanci: #brucemcgill between takes on #rizzoliandisles
1. Angie: Oh yeah!! I can STILL rock a maternity dress! Wait... WHAT?!?
June 14
5. Nicki: Im currently crouching on the floor, hiding from camera to cue the lovely @Lorraine_Bracco on set... the things I do for my job!
4. Angie: Just finished a scene w/ @RondoBoston!! #vanillabitch.... LOL!!
3. Angie: Does this lion make me look fat?? @Lee_T_Young @JimmieJohnson @jayleno @joelmchale
2. Nanci: Video village shot of #BruceMcGill last night
1. Lorraine: Back at work, starting Episode 8! #RizzoliandIsles
June 13
9. Nicki: Last scene of the day... So happy about that!
8. Nani: Next scene of the day! Yes!
7. Sasha: See-thru Versace... How can one go wrong?!? @GarnettBurk's shirt of the day!
6. Nanci: Kidnapped girl in the closet, lol
5. Sasha: Finishing EP 7 today!
4. Nicki: Shootin' up some folks to start off the day today... Fire up those guns!
3. Angie: Nothin' like puttin' 6 bullets in a child molester 1st thing on a Monday morning!!! Coffee ain't got s@%$ on THAT!! Love my job!
2. Nicki: Everyone welcome @ItsMeNaniV to tweeterland! She's does @Angie_Harmon's hair...That girl can work a curling iron like nobodies business! ;)
1. Nanci: Back on the #rizzoliandisles set, lets go!
June 11
1. Angie: Harmon & Young STILL on the job!
June 10
17. Lee: I fought ninjas before..... It's not that hard ;)
16. Angie: Omg... #janerizzoli needs ninja help!!!!
15. Nicki: And yes... There are ninja's!
14. Nicki: Framboise Friday people, that's all...
13. Nicki: Wwwwwoooooooohhhhhoooooooooo! That's a wrap! If you can't tell, I'm a bit excited...
12. Angie: Hellooooo RED PHONE!!!!!
11. Lee: Hellllllooooooooooo red phone ;)
10. Angie: Hello RED PHONE? Get me the BLACK PHONE!!!!
9. Lee: Hello black phone.... GET ME THE RED PHONE
8. Angie: That's right! Detectives Frost & Rizzoli are STILL on the case!! @Lee_T_Young
7. Nicki: Omg, is it the weekend yet?!? Fading fast... We still have a 3 pg scene left to shoot! Nickicinno time!
6. Annie: And @Angie_Harmon is just lovely. And a riot!!! :)
5. Annie Wersching: Had a blast working on @RizzoliIslesTNT A very fun set!!! And three, count 'em THREE 24 crew members...so that's always fun :)
4. Nicki: One of my favorite craft service treats!! #rizzoliandisles
3. Angie: Ok, more from the 10th anniversary party @ #RizzoliandIsles..this is our beloved pa chris hayes. AS OUR WAITER!! LOL!!
2. Angie: It's "disco ball ffrrriiiiidddaaayyy!!!!" You like?
1. Nicki: Been up since 10 and finally just getting out of bed for work... Wish I had the day off like @SashaAlexander1 and @Lorraine_Bracco! #lucky
June 9
6. Angie: SERIOUSLY, LOOK! I cannot thank my producers (janet tamaro & michael zinberg) enough!! I'm blown away!
5. Angie: We will tell the story of how on our 10th anniversary we spent it in "the dirty robber" & how AMAZING my crew is!!
4. Liz: feeling good about 211. #rizzoliandisles
3. Sasha: Seeing as though @GarnettBurk's from Nashville, today he's gone country! Shirt of the day!
2. Nanci: Shooting until 2am
1. Nicki: I'm enjoying the vibe on set today... It's very chill and happy and Bruce is strumming the guitar.
June 8
8. Angie: Just wrapped... 15 mins til june 9th!!!
7. Jadin Gould: 3rd day on set and look hard days work. Don't worry!! Its just makeup!! :-P
6. Sasha: Chris and I are starving and all we have is fruit and veggies! :(
5. William Willis: Chillin at Paramount on the set of Rizzoli and Isles .. Gotta love TV
4. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk's "touch me, feel me" shirt of the day! :)
3. Garnett: Lol we have so much fun on this show and you guys are gona flip over season 2 so worth the wait
2. Angie: ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! ILL GO TO SET!! @nickiraegeous
1. Nanci: Back on set #rizzoliandisles and today we dont have @Angie_Harmon shoe of the day so here is her #keychain
June 7
9. Lee: Let me tell you, when @nickiraegeous gives me my cue for a scene, she is Johnny on the spot with the crackerjack timing!
8. Nicki: A little something you all may not know about @Lee_T_Young and I, is that we have crackerjack timing! Don't be jealous... ;)
7. Nicki: Nice view at least!
6. Nicki: LONG day on location today, will be happy when it's over.
5. Garnett: Out in a park today with my sweet @sashaalexander1 doing some intense scenes this season is gonna be so great !
4. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" shooting at a park and private home in Tujunga (Sunland) today (Tue 7th) Ep. 207
3. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk's shirt of the day... "The paisley party!"
2. Nicki: On location today, working away...
1. Denny Zartman: Had a fun day working as an extra on "Rizzoli & Isles" yesterday. I never get over the thrill of being at a big movie studio and on a set!
June 6
5. Nicki: I need this last scene to move a little faster... It's killing me!!!
4. Nicki: Onto the last scene of the day, woohoo! Let's get 'er done!
3. Sasha: .@GarnettBurk is not only an amazing hairdresser but he also owns some great shirts! His shirt of the day!
2. Angie: Daytime!!! I might add that I MAY NOT mind driving to work @ 5.... BEAUTIFUL SUNRISES!!
1. Lorraine: Early call time for #RizzoliandIsles today...Happy Monday!
June 3
6. Nicki: This is in maura's office... It begs the question, what came first, the chicken or the egg???
5. Liz: Thanks @Lorraine_Bracco for that red velvet cupcake! You made my day!!!
4. Lee: That red velvet cupcake was sweet.... But not as sweet as @Lorraine_Bracco! Thanks for the treat Lorraine
3. Nicki: Hey @Lorraine_Bracco, thanks for the #sprinklescupcakes! Red velvet is my fav!!!
2. Lorraine: Working with the #RizzoliandIsles gang on Cupcake Friday!
1. Sasha: @Lorraine_Bracco brought 200 sprinkles cupcakes for our crew! She's the best!!!
June 2
5. Jessica Brooks: Looking forward to working on the Paramount Lot tomorrow for TNTs RIZZOLI & ISLES. It's such a great show to work with
4. Nanci: We watched the first episode of season 2 in the Dirtyrobber today #rizzoliandisles
3. Nanci: Starting episode 7 today. We are almost half way through the season.
2. Sasha: Indoor BBQ at work today... :)
1. Nicki: Back at it! Busy morning... Doing a little medical examiner work here at #rizzoliandisles this morning.
June 1
8. Nicki: Holy crap it's cold here at the Disney ranch at night! Still shooting away...
7. Nicki: Oh and for those of you that said they probably aren't poisonous, it's mostly Rattle snakes here!
6. Sasha: Should I be concerned that we have a snake wrangler on set today, just in case?
5. Nicki: I mean, the ground looks like this... No snakes here right?? ;)
4. Nicki: Should I be at all alarmed that we have a snake wrangler here on set today, just in case?!?
3. Sasha: On set with the lovely marika dominczyk today!
2. Aimee: Last night of shooting #Rizzoli&Isles SUCH a fun time.The crew is wonderful and the cast is amazing! Thnx@angie_harmon for being so nice:)Xo
1. Nanci: Disney Ranch is amazing.
May 31
7. Nicki: And scene... Home and going to bed. 8am call time in far far away land tomorrow! Location location, it's all about location! :)
6. Nicki: Just want to point out that it's now 9pm and we are still workin'... Going on hour 15!
5. Lee: Whew! Long day! Still, the longest day on Rizzoli and Isles is a good day :-)
4. Nanci: Recovering from a great weekend on set in the dark where it smells like India or Greece, ewwwww!
3. Nanci: On set with witches and #TheCucuy
2. Lorraine: Hope everyone had a great weekend--headed to studio for read-thru of next episode! #RizzoliandIsles
1. Nicki: I hate using smoke for scenes, the stuff always makes me feel sooo sick!
May 27
11. Nanci: Garnett the warlock
10. Nanci: I swear that tree has a frowned face. Look closely.
9. Angie: But 1st, dusk frisbee game w/ my crew. LOVE THESE GUYS!!
8. Nanci: Just finished a pretty witch hairstyle and we are ready to shoot at a graveyard
7. Nicki: It's getting dark and spooky and there are witches... Not a fan.
6. Angie: Wooooooooo.... shooting in a grave yard...... woooooo
5. Nicki: Shooting in a cemetery and especially in the dark is not my idea of a good time... Creepy!
4. Nanci: Meet Joe, our 2nd 2nd A.D.
3. Nanci: Black cat on set today #rizzoliandisles I wonder if it'll bring us luck
2. Nanci: This is Kevin the A.D. that helps move the actors through the #makeuptrailer.
1. Nanci: the office of Dr. #Isles
May 26
14. Nicki: Chillin' on set, in for a long night... Lots left to shoot.
13. Nanci: Freezing cold on the backlot
12. Nicki: Shooting on the backlot this evening... I bet you didn't know that Jane's apt is so close to the water tower. ;)
11. Christian: Arresting bad guys & shooting on set of the TNT seres Rizzoli & Isles. I look like a douche,lol
10. Nanci: Thats a move to the backlot for the rest of the night.
9. Nanci: A Nanci sandwich with #lorrainbracco and #jordonbridges on the set of #rizzoliansdisles
8. Nanci: It's the turnaround on @lorraine_bracco and the cast of #rizzoliandisles
7. Nanci: busy day on set
6. Aimee Chadwick: Another fun day on set on #rizzoli&isles !
5. Monica: @Lorraine_Bracco getting Mamma Rizzoli'd
4. Christian Cage: Watching @Angie_Harmon rehearse on @RizzoliIslesTNT right now, she's so tall, beautiful & looks awesome in blue. Real life #WonderWoman
3. Nicki: It's a hot one today here in LA la land! Roasting away at paramount...
2. CJ: Choppin it up at Paramount on tha set of Rizzoli/Isles! Exciting moments ahead!
1. Nanci: The @angie_harmon shoe of the day
May 25
9. Nanci: Rizzoli inside scoop...working in a Cemetry on Friday night. Ayi Cucuy!
8. Nanci: We are moving so fast today we could finish early.
7. Nanci: Chowing down in the interogation room on Thai food
6. Nanci: Eating thai food on the intergation table in the police station on set with @Angie_Harmon @nickiraegeous and the rest of the vanity dept
5. Liz: on set watching @Angie_Harmon @Lee_T_Young and #BruceMcgill shoot scene 9 -- good times at #rizzoliandisles!
4. Angie: Man... I LIVE for @Lee_T_Young & #brucemcgill!!! These 2 can act their ASSES off & shoot a scene in minutes!!! LOVE!!
3. Lee: On to a scene with @Angie_Harmon and @Jordan_Bridges, now we're really cookin!
2. Nanci: In the BRIC today with the crew.
1. Lee: Scene with Korsak in BRIC, getting the day started off right!
May 24
6. Nicki: Dropped our last scene for the day so we are wrapped! So excited to be done so early!
5. Lorraine: We left some for @SashaAlexander1
4. Angie: @Lorraine_Bracco & I are enjoying some HAM!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!
3. Nicki: I don't have much to say today...Just busy working away on a big Rizzoli family scene.
2. Angie: AWESOME dinner scene w/ the #rizzoli family!!! Love a HUGE ham!!
1. Nanci: @Lorraine_Bracco walks into the #makeuptrailer this morning sporting a #Hawaiian tropics #tan her #Glow looks #amazing.
May 23
3. Nanci: it's a wrap see you all in the DayTime!
2. Liz: on set for Ep. 206 #rizzoliandisles that I co-wrote with ER's Dee Johnson.
1. Nanci: Busy morning lots of cast members to do and the first scene is 3 pgs
~One-week hiatus~
May 13
19. Nanci: and that's a wrap everybody, thanks for a great night!
18. Nanci: the @rizzoliandisles #makeuptrailer is at the orange cone at the top of the pic
17. Angie: AND THAT'S A WRAP!!! 1 week hiatus for the HARD WORKING folks @ #rizzoliandisles!!!! I'm gonna miss y'all!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
16. Nanci: Panoramic view of the dept
15. Nanci: The camera guys taking 5 between setups @rizzoliandisles
14. Nanci: Our director #nelsonmccormick @rizzoliandisles between takes
13. Nanci: #brucemcgill and @Lee_T_Young on set @rizzoliandisles right now
12. Nanci: Doing after lunch touchups in the #makeuptrailer @rizzoliandisles
11. Nanci: Mexican food at lunch for @rizzoliandisles
10. Lee: Sharpening up my technique...
9. Nanci: Last night on chicago street, #brucemcgill in a #powderwig #staytuned
8. Nanci: fringe #glee dresses hanging out to dry on the #paramount lot
7. Nanci: Last day of work and then a week hiatus @rizzoliandisles
6. Jordan: My amazing daughter Lola will appear on #R&I this season! 4th generation baby!
5. Nanci: Outside our #makeuptrailer @rizzoliandisles
4. Nanci: Ballet toe pony print flats @Angie_Harmon in the #makeuptrailer @rizzoliandisles
3. Nanci: #LorraineBracco wearing a #GottaHaveit white #JCrew cable knit sweater in the #makeuptrailer @rizzoliandisles
2. Angie: Mornin' y'all!! 1 more day of shooting!! Then a small & WELL DESERVED break!!!
1. Nicki: Time to get ready for work, it's going to be another late one tonight!
May 12
12. Nicki: My view from the parking lot as I leave work... Cool moon on the left! Night tweetahs! ;)
11. Nicki: Wrapped camera, now just waiting for the crew to give me out times...
10. Nanci: Still filming and we are all tired but at this point we are just laughing.
9. Nanci: This is whats been happening so please #staytuned
8. Nicki: Yep... Still working...
7. Angie: Yes... STILL WORKING.
6. Nanci: Working exterior scenes at the Dirty Robber
5. Nanci: On #ChicagoSt on the #Paramount backlot. It's getten chilly outside
4. Lee: Another day at the story factory :-)
3. Liz: Iggy in the lab
2. Nicki: Up and at 'em! Got to sleep in today, we have night stuff to shoot on the backlot today... It's gonna be a late one!
1. Nanci: good Morning everyone! ready to work the night shoot in the backlot #paramountstudios, NOT!
May 11
7. Lee: Best part about playing Det. Frost: working with @ Angie_Harmon, @SashaAlexander1, @Lorraine_Bracco, #brucemcgill and #jordanbridges. Second best part: kicking down doors :)
6. Nanci: Omg, episode 6 director gets props for going fast @rizzoliandisles
5. Liz: And Iggy goes home...
4. Liz: Iggy starts his day
3. Liz: Poor Iggy
2. Angie: Anybody seen "iggy"?? ;)
1. Liz: on set episode 205 waiting for camera to roll.
May 10
10. Liz: our dead body stand-in on set of episode 205 #Rizzoliandisles... name suggestions please?
9. Liz: The Ladies' chairs on set of episode 205
8. Liz: @Jordan_Bridges @Lee_T_Young The boys of #Rizzoliandisles on set of episode 205.
7. Angie: @Lee_T_Young & I r having a drink & then some sushi... never a good thing 4 production!!
6. Nanci: it hardly never happens but we were wrapped for the day right at lunch! How awesome is that! Mani Pedi here I come!
5. Lee: @nickiraegeous is right, flew through work again today. That Nelson McCormick is a wizard
4. Nicki: Dude, we flew through today's work on location! That's a wrap!!! We wrapped before lunch, that is unheard of!!!
3. Nanci: Working at a high school today. Oh the joy of being a student
2. Nicki: Made my R&I debut today! They bet me $ that I wouldn't walk out instead of the actor in a take to play a joke on Angie. Easiest $60 ever!
1. Lee: Gotta admit, it's not bad.... All the fun of police work with none of the danger :)
May 9
5. Angie: Ok, I don't mean to be a tease but our 1st episode is AMAYYYYZING!!!! Holy schneikey!!!!
4. Jordan: Lovely cold day of shooting #R&I. Angie fell in love with a wolf, Sasha climbed up a tree, and I endeavored to drink less coffee. Failure.
3. Go for Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" shooting at a park, high school & private home in La Crescenta-Glendale today & tomorrow. Ep.205 'Rebel Without a Pause'
2. Lee: Detective Frost, reporting for duty
1. Nicki: At least the view doesn't suck today...
May 6
16. Nicki: wrapped and then a big group of us decided to hang out for a lil' after party... Just got home now, time for bed!
15. Nicki: It's Nicki-ccino time!!!
14. Nicki: Gonna be a loooonnnnggg night tonight... Still shooting away.
13. Nanci: Working with #jacquelinebisset she's a #classact @rizzoliandisles
12. Becky: OMG! @Angie_Harmon waved at my studio tour today!! Thanks Angie!!! You made my day!!!!
11. Nanci: What time is it? Finally on the last scene, 3 pages. Gonna be a long night
10. Sasha: Lots have asked about maura's watch, it's Cartier & here's a closer look. Ignore the floured hands! :)
9. Liz: Just watched rehearsal of amazing scene w/ @SashaAlexander1 @Angie_Harmon Lorraine Bracco @ Jacqueline Bisset. Fri nite @ #RizzoliandIsles
8. Nanci: The lead actor on #hung cut into our catered lunch line while smoking a cigar and placed a philly steak order.
7. Janet: ...those fantastic period photos were taken by Sasha Alexander's hair stylist Garnett Burk.
6. Janet: Our stars & gueststar Richard Thomas "visit" the 18th century to solve a murder.
5. Sasha: Cooking up a storm with @Lorraine_Bracco on set today!
4. Liz: just shook hands w/ Jacqueline Bisset on set at #RizzoliandIsles. What a lovely, elegant lady. Me? Slobby in my Converse and slouchy shirt.
3. Nanci: #lorrainebracco on set @rizzoliandisles She has the cutest laugh and giggle
2. Nanci: Back on set, I was just in a guest stars trailer helping with her hair. She plays #isles mom #Guesswho #rizzoliandisles
1. Liz: today we shoot another scene with Jackie Bisset -- can't wait to see what she does.
May 5
13. Nanci: #gottahavethem # Fendi shoes @angie_harmon worn with boyfriend jeans & classic silk halter, #muycaliente
12. Liz: just left #RizzoliandIsles set for the night. All I can say is 205 is gonna be crazy fun.
11. Sasha: This is our "pissed" look! Watch out! #rizzoliandisles
10. Sasha: Just another day at work...
9. Nicki: Omg, for those of you that enjoy R&I... Just wait till you see what we are filming now! Sorry to tease, but seriously, HILARIOUS!!
8. Liz: Thanks @TNTWeKnowDrama for the #socialmedia bootcamp. #RizzoliandIsles
7. Liz: Where I park it on set of #RizzoliandIsles
6. Nanci: news flash @angie_harmon wore a pair of #Fendi high heeled mules that are to die for. Gotta have them. #staytuned
5. Mike: Just spoke to Angie Harmon. And by spoke, I mean she asked me a question and I responded by being unable to breathe. #smoooooth
4. Janet: Breaking Casting News...It's official: Jacqueline Bisset plays Maura's mom. Drop dead gorgeous in person.
3. Liz: so many fun guest stars this season on #RizzoliandIsles!
2. Sasha: Just met the actor who is playing my mom...WOW! So excited, about to shoot the first scene with her!
1. Angie: HOLY SCHNEIKEY!!! I'm acting w/ john boy & jacqueline bisset today!! I'm the luckiest actor ALIVE!!!!
May 4
6. Nanci: Girl with a #trashyhairstyle @rizzoliandisles
5. Nanci: #dior first thing in the morning @Angie_Harmon # makeuptrailer gotta love the wedge for spring
4. Angie: These r my "we buried him @ sea b/c we're classy & we take the high road & we shot him IN THE FACE!!" shoes
3. Janet: Stay tuned for the name of a high-profile, crushingly glamorous actress we just cast to play Maura's mother...
2. Nanci: My view from the parking structure #paramount down to our #makeuptrailer
1. Liz: 1st day of production on ep205 my 1st #RizzoliandIsles script. read through yesterday was hilarious.
May 3
10. Nanci: this framed image hangs in the foyer of the #Isles home
9. Nanci: OMG, Angie walks in with this shoes today and of course I had to capture it on digital
8. Nanci: high heel #Kiss to the #NavySeals from @angie_harmon for shooting #BinLaden in the face last night #winning and #amazing
7. Nanci: We are shooting until 10:00PM and it's only Tuesday
6. Nanci: Washing feet @Angie_Harmon in the #makeuptrailer
5. Nanci: We are rocking out while we do hair touch ups in the makeup trailer
4. Nanci: Dancing in the #makeuptrailer right now!
3. Nanci: Working the set @rizzoliandisles and we are having some crazy fun!!!
2. Colin: here you go! @Angie_Harmon, Sasha Alexander and the amazing Lorraine Bracco.
1. Angie:
May 2
12. Nanci: This is a great shot of #JoFriday the dog on @rizzoliandisles with @CEgglesfield as #TommyRizzoli
11. Nanci: #myview on set today @rizzoliandisles with @angie_harmon and @CEgglesfield
10. Nanci: my view today on set @rizzoliandisles, @cEggelsfield in a scene with a #PackOfDogs
9. Nanci: we didn't finish the last scene of the day and we have to come back to it again tomorrow first thing
8. Janice: Sittin' @ Rizzoli's desk. Don't hate. #RizzoliandIsles
7. Nanci: The @Rizzoliandisles dog #JoFriday with Tommy, #staytuned
6. Nicki: @Angie_Harmon was having some trouble finding her mark so the camera department thought they'd help her out! ;)
5. Nanci: #JoFridayworking on set today @rizzoliandisles
4. Nanci: My favorite product to use @rizzoliandisles is #aquagedetailcreme and #whitesands on #LorrianeBracco
3. Nanci: Today I work #LorraineBracco who just got a #brazilian #blowout and it's #amazing
2. Colin: On the set of @RizzoliIslesTNT with my new friends Blaster, Lincoln, Paxton and Lola!
1. Nanci: On the street in LA shooting a scene with dogs. Nice dsy to be outside
April 30
1. Adrian: Thanks you so much @Angie_Harmon @sashaalexander1 for being so kind and welcoming. Coolest set I've ever stepped on!!
April 29
2. Sasha: Last day at the rosebowl, I had a short day today, all done...Off to run lots of errands!
1. Nanci: filmed an awesome vid in our #makeuptrailer of @angie_harmon dancing with all the vanities including #wardrobe, too much fun!
April 28
5. Angie: Hey kids!! So...2day sash & I r shooting in a men's locker room... w/ men!! Oddly enough, we haven't needed to go back to our trailers ONCE!
4. Jannie: Eating lunch wit all the hottie baseball players lol
3. Jannie: On set filming rizzoli n isles.. Its hot as hell! N we're pretending its fall
2. Nicki: All I'm sayin' is HOT shirtless men everywhere... Best day EVER!!
1. Shaun: On set for TNT Rizzoli & Isles for some background work #Leggooo
April 27
5. Liz: Casting ep 205. Fun times at #RizzoliandIsles
6. Elaine: Today I own a baseball team. Can you tell?
4. Adrian: #rizzoli&isles has HORCHATA on set. Wtf!!! I love this show!!!!
3. Nicki: Guess where I am today....
2. Nanci: On location at the #rosebowl #staytuned @rizzoliandisles
1. Liz: writer's draft of ep 206 #rizzoliandisles is turned into #janettamaro
April 26
7. Nanci: Only blood and dead bodies today
6. Elaine Hendrix: At a fitting for "Rizzoli & Isles" - nothing exciting, but working is fun.
5. Adrian: On set for #rizzoli&isles Manny "MEGA" Vega coming at you soon!!!!! Playing Manny Vega. Baseball star.
4. Stan Kirsch Studios: Congrats to Adrian Bellani who booked a Guest Star on RIZZOLI & ISLES!!!
3. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" will be shooting Ep.2.4 at the Rose Bowl tomorrow thru Friday.
2. Marcus Brown: I start filming this week "Rizzoli & Isles" it should be great :)
1. Angie: REALLY?!? What I will do for this show.... #rizzoliandisles
April 25
2. Adrian Bellani: Shooting RIZZOLI AND ISLES tomorrow!!!
1. Angie: Just met my little brotha... colin egglesfield!! He's darling & a great actor!
April 21
11. Nanci: Joke on @Angie_Harmon today, heard her coming so we walked out the hair side as she walked in from the makeupside 4 #afterlunchtouchups, LOL
10. Nanci: found a pic of Linda Blair #theexcorist with her head backwards, it gave #angieharmon the creeps so I burned it outside the #makeuptrailer
9. Nanci: I tweeted a pic of a bloody ankle and twitter removed it because I used "crime vic" as a discription
8. Nanci:#brucemcgill @ the #crimescene Episode 3 #staytuned
7. Nanci: my favorite rookie #rizzolijr
6. Nanci: this is a pic I took of @angie_harmon right after she woke up from a cat nap in an extras car on Chicago St on the back lot @paramountstudios
5. Nanci: the cast during a scene @rizzoliandisles #staytuned this episode is going to knock it out of the ballpark the #SFXmakeup is insane
4. Nanci: Night shoot @marathonpark #paramountstudios the moon is brilliant, actually its a light over the park @rizzoliandisles
3. Angie: #janerizzoli is bout to chase down a perp!!! ;)
2. Nanci: In the #hairandmakeuptrailer styling #frankrizzolijr
1. Nanci: Last min notice we cast a stunt double for #vincekorsak and I had to run out for a wig, cut and styled it and applied it. Busy, busy.
April 20
10. Nanci: #jordanbridges as #frankrizzolijr on set @rizzoliandisles. You guys have to #tunein to episode 3
9. Nanci: Seriously, the action on the back lot today is intense. Guns drawn, bad guy down, and us laughing
8. Nanci: #leethompsonyoung as Det. Barry Frost @rizzoliandisles on the back lot #paramount
7. Nanci: our lead actress taking a short cat nap in an extras car between setups. @angie_harmon is so cute sleeping
6. Nanci: filming a murder scene on the #paramount back lot. The weather is nice.
5. Angie: And.... HERE IT IS!!
3. Angie: Well... none of my crew bothered to tell me that the car I was sleeping in belonged to a background artist. REALLY?!? I'm sure there's ging to be a pic floating around. I kinds want it! ;)
2. Angie: & I'm still @ work... did I leave? Don't think so... but WHO CARES!! I LOVE #janerizolli!!!
1. Nicki: So happy we only have a 4 day work week this week, cause it's killin' me softly... Stunts galore all over the backlot today!
April 19
5. Nicki: Finally a wrap, about another hour and I'll be on my way home... Can't wait for my bed!
4. Angie: I would say "nightime!!" But I'm still shooting!!
3. Nicki: Shhh, everyone be quiet! Someone's trying to learn their lines...
2. Josh: Last day on Rizzoli & Isles :-/ , got to say I am a fan!
1. Angie: Well MY morning's gonna be fun!!! #rizolliandisles!!!
April 18
7. Nicki: Did I mention that my call time was 6:30am today and we are STILL shooting...cause we are.
5. Shane: I play "Young Sailor," and working with the two leads was a great blessing. Airs July 25.
4. Shane: ...and that's a wrap for me on #RizzoliandIsles.
3. Nicki: The character of Maura Isles cracks me up... @SashaAlexander1 is rockin' this scene right now!
2. Liz: looking into merch avail for #rizzoliandIsles. will let u know.
1. Nicki: It wouldn't be a normal day if I wasn't molested or attacked in some way as the ladies arrive to set...If anything, it wakes me up a bit! ;)
April 16
1. Liz: 5 scenes left.
April 15
7. Nicki: That's a wrap! It's awesome to wrap by 8pm on a Monday and almost unheard of on a friday! Yay!!!
6. Nanci: My view of #paramountstudio looking all the way back to stage #4 where we shoot @rizzoliandisles
5. Angie: From #rizolli&isles... the best episode until I read the next 1!!!
4. Liz: Our expert Dr. Gregory Schmunk Forensic Pathologist on his visit to #RIzzoliandIsles today.
3. Shane: Going over my lines for "Rizzoli & Isles." Shooting Monday!
2. Nicki: Not gonna lie, I'm a bit excited about an actor I'm working with today... My childhood is flashing before my eyes!
1. Sasha: Happy Friday! I'm on set, examining a "dead" person. Great way to start out a day... I love my job! :)
April 14
6. Sasha: Another rough day on the job... :)
5. Nanci: #hard day at work but ths sailors save the day
4. Nanci: Out in the sun today shooting in an alley what a great day to be filming #rizzoliandisles
3. Josh: Ah! They cut my hair :-/
2. Josh: Good-morning twitter, first day on Rizzoli & Isles,:-) let you guys know how it goes!
1. Erik: Working on Rizzoli and Isles today at the Paramount lot.
April 13
3. Nicki: Our key grip and gaffer are really into episode 4...I've never seen them so still and quiet before! :)
2. Mark: Today I'm a civilian on a shoot for an Angie Harmon cop drama.
1. Nanci: The fashionista @angie_harmon wearing lace up leather boots and a belted dress with a leather biker jacket
April 12
6. Nanci: I am a Clipper cutting machine today on episode 3 @rizzoliandisles I have hair all over my clothes and I'm #itchy
5. Sasha: My bloody valentine...Harry Spice!
4. Liz: and it's off to go write another #RizzoliandIsles script.
3. Nanci: We have graphic blood placement on set today @rizzoliandisles so #staytuned
2. Sasha: This is the theme of this EP...That mixed with lots of medical stuff makes for a big day!
1. Nicki: Up and at 'em... Big scene to shot this morning at the Rizzo, so let's do this thang!
April 11
3. Nicki: Moving along today, about to start the last scene! Woohoo!
2. Sasha [in response to a request for a line from episode 3]: sure how about this: "Cute..." :)
1. Angie: Hi y'all!!! We just had a read thru of episode 3... GENIUS!!
April 10
1. Nanci: I'll be creating a coppery golden red #haircolor on an actress tomorrow @rizzoliandisles to make a dark grey dress pop! #Staytuned
April 8
2. Nanci: On location in Pasadena at a hospital but that is all I am saying @rizzoliandisles
1. Nanci: @Angie_harmon steps into the @rizzoliandisles makeup trailer wearing #christiancota boots from his fall 2011 collection. Omg!! I have to get a pair.
April 6
6. Nanci: had an awesome day on the set today. We had a lot of extra cast memebers today so time flew by fast and I stayed busy. Stay tuned!
5. Nanci: the #rizzoli cast in front of the Boston Police Dept. notice the shine on those #ebonycurls !! and guess who is who?
4. Sasha: Tweeties, keep an eye on the R&I website, in the next few weeks you may see some behind-the-scenes stuff that Lee & I have been shooting! TNT is trusting us with flip cams...uh oh! ;)
3. Liz: hard to tweet when we're busy busy at #RIzzoliandIsles.
2. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" shooting at St. Luke's Hospital, Pasadena on Friday the 8th- Ep 2.2
1. Nicki: Back at it, shooting on the backlot all day today...
April 5
5. Brandon: Callback tomorrow for Rizzoli & Isles. Not a bad birthday present! Let's start the positive energy today!
4. Nanci: ending the day out in in the Malibu Mountians but back to the Paramount Lot tomorrow for some ext. shooting
3. Nicki: These scenes we are shooting are highly entertaining... Fun and laughter is being had by all annnndddd I was just hit by mud.
2. Nanci: In the Malibu woods shooting a murder scene @rizzoliandisles keeping away from the posion oak
1. Nicki: Just had some coffee, this is my view right now on set today... Lots of mud and poison oak, good times.
April 4
1. Go For Location: "Rizzoli & Isles" has began filming it's 2nd season and will shoot at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu tomorrow (Tue 5th).
2. Sedna Films: Sedna Films shoots spot for TNT's "Rizzoli and Isles" with Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander on location at the Los Angeles Convention Ctr.
April 1
5. Nicki: Is hoping for an earlier night... So far so good, 2 scenes left for the week!
4. Nanci: Friday night shoot april fools ©rizzoliandisles the first #janedoe stay tuned to #findoutwhoitis
3. Sasha: Was reunited with a other co-star last night... Such a diva!
2. Nanci: Doing hair @rizzoliandisles and these are my favorite products I use for #detectivehair
1. Janet: INT. BPD - HOMICIDE SQUAD ROOM - DAY That's where it all begins, folks...
March 31
3. Angie: Whew!! The 1st episode of #rizzoliandisles is SLAMMIN!!!
2. Nicki: @Angie_Harmon and I are having our first rowdy zebra of season 2, watch out people!!! It could be dangerous! ;) For those who keep asking a rowdy zebra is a coffee drink with like 4 shots of espresso in it and some chocolate, it's nummy!
1. Nanci: Just finished a #copclippercut on #jordanbridges who has awesome hair
March 30
3. Nanci: Guess who on set today? I love the logo on the back of the set chairs
2. Sasha: Running in maura heels is no fun!
1. Angie: We are BLOWIN' STUFF UP like crazy on #rizzoliandisles!!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
March 29
2. Nanci: the #Dior shoes I am lusting over worn by @angie_harmon upon her arrival in #themakeuptrailer @rizzoliandisles. Hot!!!!!
1. Nanci: In the makeup trailer with angie harmon @rizzoliandisles and she's wearing the most amazing Taupe Snake skin #Dior heels.
March 28
1. Liz: morning all... 2nd week of #RizzoliandIsles production. Hitting the keyboard.
March 27
1. Kyle: Editing Season 2 behind the scenes pieces for TNT show #Rizzoli&Isles. Gonna be a great season!
March 26
2. Nanci: the cast of @RizzoliandIsles are all incrediably awesome and most fun. Did I mention really super sweet.
1. Nanci: car explosion on the set of Rizzoli and isles last night...intense!
March 25
4. Nicki: Thats a wrap! Done with the first week of R&I & I feel like someone beat me up with a baseball bat...It was a tough week but we all made it!
3. Brian: Whew. Just got off the set of Rizzoli & Isles. Two 14-hour days, and awesome times. Met lead actress Angie Harmon- She's as hyper as I am!
2. Nicki: One of the many random parts of my job: Tonight I had to help duct tape ice packs to @Angie_Harmon skin cause she's hard core like that! ;)
1. Nicki: We just blew up a car, what did you do tonight?? It was pretty f'in awesome!
March 24
3. Nicki: Just got home from work... stood in the rain for two hours trying to set up a shot, and then they decided to wrap and pull the plug! So now we must shoot it at a later time... here's to hoping the rain goes down tomorrow, otherwise it's another day out standing in it! Would however love to thank TNT and the producers for their nice welcome back gifts that they got the crew today!
2. Sasha: just worked with [Chris Vance] yesterday, he's lovely and not bad on the eyes! ;)
1. Liz: Walked the #RizzoliandIsles sets today. Some new fun stuff coming your way.
March 23
1. Liz: gearing up for round 2. another night of #latenightwriting.
March 22
6. Angie: Is jane alive???
5. Angie:
4. Angie: In case anyone was wondering..WE ARE KILLING THIS! this season of #rizzoli&isles is gonna ROCK!!
3. Nicki: It's now official, season 2 of R&I is under way! Woohoo!
2. Sasha: First day of shooting...on set about to shoot our first shot of the day!
1. David: I have spent the last four days with our gal. Beautiful, grateful, passionate,sincere,loyal and deserving of all she has. TWANGEL'S, after being with her for the last 4 days through all the promos for R&I , just so you know, she is the real deal.xx
March 21
5. Angie: 1st day of #rizzoli&isles tomorrow!! WOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
4. Angie: Shot the #rizzoli&isles pic campaign 2day... wait til u see it!!! Its GENIUS!! So fun!!!
3. Nicki: Day of prep is over, time to relax for the evening before my 6am call time tomorrow!
2. Sasha: Thanks for all the good luck tweets for tomorrow! Photo shoot today for the show.
1. Nicki: Busy busy today at R&I! Preppnig for our first shoot day tomorrow.
March 19
3. Sara: Was up at 4:30am to work on a promo shoot for Rizzoli and Isles... Wow that is making for a really boring and early Saturday night for me!
2. Liz: monster off my back. #script is in. off to wine and dine and gear up for #rewrites.
1. Nanci: @Angie_Harmon carried a beautiful Cream tone Leather Prada Bag into the Makeup trailer @rizzoliandisles camera test OMG I Must have one
March 18
3. Karl: Sasha and Angie light up the set when they walk in. Not only beautiful on the outside but even more so on the inside. #Rizzoli&Isles
2. Angie: Jane Rizzoli ARRIVES!!! "We'll get those bad guys!"!
1. Ben: Watching a promo shoot for the new #TNT show #RizzoliAndIsles.
March 17
3. Liz: read through of #RizzoliandIsles Sc. 2 opener today. Magic's in the air.
2. Nanci: first day of camera test on Rizzoli & Isles. Angie Harmon is so sweet and so are the rest of the cast. It's going to be an easy gig! :)
1. Sasha: And we're back for season 2!!!
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